The following are the property transfers over $25,000 for Warren County from Oct. 24-31, 2013: ALLAMUCHY TWP. Epstein, Eugene & Powell, Katharine to DeMuro, Adrian & Suppasri, Samaporn, $215,000, 50 Kasper Rd. Vince-Cruz, Jesse & Rogando, Heidi to Cheng, Hoi Ngan & Cheung, Li Pin, $299,000, 14 Bowers Dr. Morgan, Barbara L., executrix of the wstate of Martha Rydell to Micek, Eugene & Maria, $337,000, 210 Bear Creek Rd. Tufo, Nicholas E. & Monica H. to O'Brien, John P. & Jackson, Sheakia N., $195,000, 1 Johnsonburg Rd. Willigan, Irja to Toale, Carolyn M. & Amato, Edna, $249,000, 10 Pheasant...