The following are the property transfers over $25,000 for Warren County from July 15-21, 2015: ALLAMUCHY Buckalew, Daniel & Tiffany fka DiGambattista, Tiffany to Manzo, Julianna Rose, $213,000, 36 Oriole Dr. Baker Residential, LP to Morino, Vincent R. & Dianne M., $387,400, 9 Wild Iris Lane Sheldon, Jeffrey & Karen M. fka Johnson, Karen M. to Palko, Bonnie A., $293,000, 53 Junegrass Way McGrath, Elizabeth S. to Myers, Helen & Ronald, $185,000, 29 Wood Duck Ct. Frayne, Deanna nka Wolfe, Deanna & Matthew to Cacchione, Ellen J., $211,000, 159 Osprey St. Baker Residential, LP to Hans, Suzanne, $374,015, 14 Alexanders Rd. ALPHA Searles, Kevin Bruce, Executor of the Estate of...