The following are the property transfers over $25,000 for Warren County from August 7-14, 2015: Allamuchy Township JJK Partners, LLC to McGee, Gregory & Kimberly Jean, $365,000, 2 Butternut Ct.. Stachnick, Karen J. to Ahern, John M. & Mary B., $223,000, 25 Oriole Dr. Margoli, Virginia & Logio, Judith to Margoli, Judith A., $155,000, 2 Partridge Ct.. Alpha Borough Kuhl, Martin & Linda G. to Eberhart, Mark L. & Cathy A., $185,000, 1207 7th Ave Belvidere Donst, Mary L., individually and as Executrix of the LW&T of Alfred A. Donst to Schade, Tracy, $75,000, 618 Water St Devon Service, LLC to Lipka, Kevin, $210,000, 613-619 Hardwick St Gerrity, Sandra to Ball, Richard J.,...